breath by breath,

come home to yourself

The Way Out Is In

  • 1:1 Coaching

    If you’re ready to get massive results, this option is for you. Let’s get clear on your dreams and go after them. Mentorship with a seat belt.

  • In-Person Events

    Experience the power of a practice in the container of like-minded individuals. Whether it’s a breathwork experience or a cold plunge club, come find your tribe.

  • Online Courses

    Ready to dive in on your own time? Explore online offerings that take you deeper into knowing your mind, body and spirit with flexibility.

Learn a new practice

Regulate your Nervous System


Breathwork is a tool that allows an individual to find a meditative state almost instantaneously through their breath. Learn how to reach a state of calm inside your body.

Schedule a session


Yoga is the systematic science of transformation. Introducing an asana practice in your life creates space to invite in a new way of being for your human experience.

Explore yoga practices


Cold exposure practices allow individuals become super mindful of their inner dialogue. Learn how to work with your intuition in a safe and controlled manner.

Join the Cold Plunge Club


Shed old stories that no longer serve you.

If I had a superpower, it’d be love and listening. My coaching programs are formed in a container of safety and surrender. Setting down stories that you have carried for years is the access point for a new way of being in life. From there, we craft practices that support your total health and full self expression. Often this includes movement, mindfulness and meditation to ensure your physical, mental and emotional bodies are operating at their maximum potential.